December 26, 2023 – Annual Shareholders’ Meeting


This Tuesday, KOTOBUKI Medical, Inc. hosted its fifth annual shareholders’ meeting.
We are consistently grateful and humbled that so many shareholders take the time out of this busy end-of-year season to meet with us and learn about the company’s growth.
This year, we were able to announce to our shareholders that KOTOBUKI Medical has officially left the red and achieved our first full year of profit since our establishment in 2018. In this tough environment for medtech startups, we are grateful to the ongoing support of our shareholders and customers that brought us so far. Thank you all.
CEO Seiichiro Takayama also announced KOTOBUKI Medical’s forecast and plans for the next fiscal year of international business expansion into the US and European regions. We looked forward to bringing further updates and good news about these efforts.
Thank you again to everyone who took time to meet with us on Tuesday. We wish you a safe and enjoyable remainder of 2023.
