KOTOBUKI Medical Receives Resona Bank’s “SME Innovative Technology and Products” Award


On April 24, 2024, KOTOBUKI Medical, Inc. was honored to receive the Small and Medium Enterprise Innovative Technology and Products award, which is granted by the Resona Foundation for Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion.
The Resona Foundation for Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion has been implementing this award program since 1988, selecting 1,100 companies out of more than 11,000 applicants. We were proud to see our plant-based lobectomy simulator, the VTT Lobectomy Model, displayed among other new technologies and innovative products from fellow small and medium enterprises.
Mr. Seiichiro Takayama, KOTOBUKI Medical’s founder and CEO, attended the 36th award ceremony with other representatives of the recepient companies. After spending time with fellow innovators, we are even more motivated to contribute to the healthcare and simulation space with our VTT models. Thank you again to the Resona Foundation and to our supporters. You can learn more about the VTT Lobectomy Models here.
